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There Are a Lot of Franchise Options Out There. Why Choose The Great Greek?
We know there are countless franchise options out there for investors to choose from, and making a decision can be difficult. There are many reasons that now is a great time to invest in a Mediterranean food franchise, and The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill is just...
4 Reasons to Join the Great Greek Grill Franchise Team
When you start a Great Greek Mediterranean Grill franchise, you’ll find all the professional freedom you’ve been looking for, and a supportive environment conducive to success. Most franchisees decide to strike out on their own because they need a change from their...
Fast-Casual Franchises: What You Need to Know About This Growing Industry
At Great Greek Mediterranean Grill, freshness and quality are among are more prized values, and the fast-casual model allows us to exhibit both. When you’re embarking on the franchise process, you want to be sure you’re making an investment in the best possible...
Franchising vs. Independent Small Business Ownership
With countless decisions to be made, running a small business is a challenging endeavor for any entrepreneur. There are many factors to consider when taking the dive into small business ownership: location, business model, suppliers, product quality, employees and...
Serving Up Success in a Restaurant’s First Year
Food is a universal language — it brings people together in more ways than one. Some of the fondest memories in life are made when gathered around the table enjoying delicious food. A way to bring your love for food, and everything that it stands for, to another level...
Eureka! Discovering Happiness with Restaurant Ownership
Another day at your corporate job means another day sitting at the same desk for eight hours doing the same things over and over again. For some, this is fine! Familiarity and consistency are what drives them in their professional lives. But for others, this is a...